Somehow the fortuneteller prophesied a great fate to the future wife of the Han emperor. She really gave birth to a son, who became sovereign of U-di.
From childhood, the boy was distinguished by a clear mind, he was able to draw hearts to himself. At first, the son of the concubine Li was considered to be the heir, but on the side of Wu, his mother-in-law, the emperor’s sister, appeared and he was soon declared the successor of the reigning sovereign, and at the age of fourteen he ascended the throne.
Emperor Wu Di was passionately interested in the doctrine of immortality, magic and sorcery. From all sides magicians and magicians flocked to the court. He also loved secret travels around the country. More than once, he fell into history: the robbers attacked, the old man, the owner of the road compound, planned the attack, and only a noble concubine saved the emperor, for which he was bestowed the highest award. The first dignitary of the sovereign even had to commit suicide in order to discourage U-di from such adventures.
The sovereign was very inquisitive and collected rare books, wonderful animals and other wonders, and the court poets sang all this in verse. And the emperor himself did not disdain poetry. He also loved to welcome worthy people at court. True, and executed them for the slightest fault. Ji An tried to reason with the sovereign, but he did not heed the advice. Ji An died of grief.
Dreaming of prolonging his days, U-di met with the goddess of the West Sivanmu, in whose gardens peaches of longevity grew. In addition, on the advice of magicians, he kept thousands of concubines in the palace, for he believed that merging with a woman would grant immortality.
Once, circling his possessions, the emperor saw a beauty who, in due time, gave birth to an heir and soon died. A wonderful aroma flowed from her grave - the concubine was not an earthly woman.
But no matter how hard U-di tried to achieve immortality, he died in due time and was buried. They say that even after death, he visited his concubines and shared a bed with them. All sorts of gospel signs have long happened. True, the late emperor became a celestial.